Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can you find the Tribal men and women?

This week we studied world cultures and focused on practices of African tribes. We decided to paint ourselves in our own tribal colors. The kids had a blast!


Lisa~ said...

Ahhh! Its a jungle out their!

Thats great! I enjoyed your post very much!

I loved your school house tour too... way cool....


Anonymous said...

Love it!!! My boys would've loved this, I want to come to school at your house! Love the schoolhouse :)

Angela in TN on WTM board

Jessica said...

I am SO glad that you are able to post pictures!!!!! Good job!

The kids look like they are having a BLAST, I consider myself a cool mom (if you don't mind me saying so...*chuckle*) but I haven't done this. Our kids would LOVE it. I might wait until there's reason in our studies though so they can see it as a benefit of learning.

;) Jessica

The collages are fabulous as well! Please tell the kids they did a fantastic job and Picasso would be proud.

Anonymous said...

My DDs are so jealous! They keep asking when we are going to study Africa so that they can paint themselves, too! Looks like a fun, fun week!

Unknown said...

Oooh, you have the absolutely smartest, cutest, funniest kids anywhere on the internet!

(Does it still count if I'm their grandma?)


PS: How about some entries written by the kids?