Friday, December 7, 2007

Still hanging in there....

It's been so long since I've posted on our blog. The ball got rolling on school and I had to let some things go, like tending to our blog. I'm hoping that we can free up some more time so we can have fun with the blog spot. We're still doing our daily studies, and we are very much looking forward to Christmas break. We are taking a break from our astronomy study to study snowflakes since the winter is here. We hope soon to post pics. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Can you find the Tribal men and women?

This week we studied world cultures and focused on practices of African tribes. We decided to paint ourselves in our own tribal colors. The kids had a blast!

Our collages inspired by Picasso

Our School house

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

This week...

Well, we made it another week! Yippee for us! We are getting so excited about fall coming that it's hard to focus on school. The kids have started scoping out costumes for Halloween trick-or -treating, and I think they have all decided their costumes. We will be taking a week off in October just to enjoy the weather and season change. As for school, we are studying Mercury this week in our study of the solar system. We did an experiment with flour and rocks (throwing the rocks into the bowl of flour) to see how craters are formed on Mercury. It was a huge mess! We also made our own flour mixture models of Mercury which the kids really enjoyed. This weekend we plan on making a small model of the Nile River which we are now studying in history. Hopefully, I'll get the pics posted for everyone to see.

My Thoughts

We are starting up another year of homeschooling, and we're very excited. Our goals this year are to enjoy our ability to explore anything that interests us, and to appreciate every moment we have with each other-good or bad! Yes, we all know that homeschooling has it's good and bad days, but we will not lose sight of the blessing that God has given us.
We spend most of our days in our school house that was a gift from Hurricane Rita! Prior to the hurricane, we had a modest school room that we were very grateful for. After the hurricane hit, we were able to upgrade to a bigger school room! God is so good about turning lemons into lemonade!